8 Extremely Effective Homemade Scrubs For Oily Skin

Homemade Scrubs For Oily Skin

Taking care of oily skin is not easy! Finding the best product that will not aggravate your skin further seems like a mammoth task. What if we tell you that there is a simple technique that you can follow and keep the oil under control! This article will elucidate this key technique with multiple options for you to try and benefit from.

This technique is not like those fancy ones that skin clinics advertise. It is the simple practice of ‘scrubbing your skin’. Scrubbing is critical to remove dead skin build-up. And if you have oily skin, it is even more important to remove the dead cells and excessive oil from the skin. The accumulation of dead cells and oil in the pores leads to the formation of pimples, acne and associated problems.

The facial scrubs that are available in the market can be expensive and unsafe. Your search for the perfect facial scrub ends here, with this article. We have listed 20 different homemade scrubs that have no chemicals, are effective and pocket-friendly too. Read on to know more about them.

Homemade Scrubs For Oily Skin

1. Green Tea Scrub For Oily Skin
The beneficial effects of green tea are primarily due to its polyphenol content. These compounds are potent antioxidants that will remove the oxidative stress damaging your skin. The acidic nature of lemon juice keeps the skin’s natural oils under control.


  • 2 green tea bags
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • Few drops of lemon juice
  • A cup of hot water

How To Use

  1. Steep the green tea in hot water until the water cools down by itself.
  2. Once cooled, remove the tea bags and use this decoction to prepare the scrub.
  3. Take about two tablespoons of green tea decoction and add the sugar and lemon juice to it. Add more green tea if required, but keep the consistency liquidy enough to apply as a scrub.
  4. Apply this on your face using your fingers or a cotton pad. Scrub for 3-4 minutes.
  5. Rinse with lukewarm water and then with cool water.

Store the rest of the decoction in an air-tight container to be used the next time.

Time Taken To Complete This Process
30-40 minutes

Tips And Precautions

How Often Should I Use?
Repeat this twice a week.

2. Olive Oil And Sugar Scrub For Oily Skin
Olive oil is an excellent ingredient to unclog pores and balance the skin’s oil production. It nourishes and moisturizes the skin, and this lessens the excess sebum that was being produced. The honey and brown sugar exfoliate the skin and also remove the skin peels that usually form over acne in people with oily skin.


  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar

How To Use
1. Mix all the ingredients and use as a scrub.
2. Rub in gentle circular motions for 2-3 minutes.
3. Rinse with lukewarm water.

Time Taken To Complete This Process
5 minutes

Tips And Precautions

How Often Should I Use?
It is recommended to use this scrub twice a week.

3. Papaya Scrub For Oily Skin
Papaya in a face mask or scrub is absolutely heavenly, especially for those with oily skin type. Its enzymes exfoliate the skin and are as good as getting a chemical treatment done at a clinic. It also unclogs pores and shrinks their size.


  • A piece of ripe papaya
  • Few drops of lemon juice (optional)

How To Use
1. Puree the papaya and apply on the face and neck.
2. Massage in circular motions for a few minutes.
3. Rinse with water.

Time Taken To Complete This Process
10 minutes

Tips And Precautions
Do not use this remedy if you are allergic to papaya.

How Often Should I Use?
Repeat this once or twice a week.

4. Tomato Scrub For Oily Skin
The astringent properties of tomato reduce the excess oil, cleanse the skin, and also shrink pores. Your skin will be less oily, tighter, and also lighter with this remedy.


  • 1 small tomato
  • 1-2 tablespoons sugar

How To Use
1. Extract the juice from the tomato and add sugar to it.
2. Scrub well with this mix on the face and the neck area as well.
3. Rinse with water

Time Taken To Complete This Process
7-8 minutes

Tips And Precautions
If you have sensitive skin, add some honey to the mix.

How Often Should I Use?
Repeat this twice a week.

5. Egg, Sea Salt, And Lime Juice
In this scrub, the egg white helps in tightening the skin while the lemon juice lightens the skin, reducing the blemishes. Sea salt helps in removing the dead skin cells.


  • 1 egg white
  • 2 teaspoons sea salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice

How To Use
1. Mix all the above ingredients.
2. Apply onto the face and scrub nicely, but gently for 2-3 minutes.
3. Rinse with lukewarm water and then with cool water.

Time Taken To Complete This Process
7-8 minutes

Tips And Precautions
Use a moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated after rinsing away the scrub from your face.

How Often Should I Use?
Repeat this once every week for best results.

6. Strawberry, Oats, And Lime Juice Scrub
Strawberries are very good at removing dead skin cells without harming the skin. It tightens the skin pores, refreshes the skin, and lightens it as well. Blackheads can also be removed with this scrub.


  • 2-3 ripe strawberry
  • 2 tablespoons oatmeal
  • 1/2 teaspoon lime juice
  • Water

How To Use
1. Mash the strawberries and grind the oats.
2. Add the lime juice and enough water to make a paste.
3. Apply on the face, avoiding the eyes.
4. Concentrate scrubbing on the forehead and the nose and then rinse with cold water.

Time Taken To Complete This Process
10-12 minutes

Tips And Precautions

How Often Should I Use?
It is recommended to use this scrub once every week.

6. Apple And Oatmeal Scrub For Oily Skin
Apple and oatmeal make a great combination to exfoliate dead skin cells and remove all the impurities from your skin. Your skin is cleansed and feels more toned as well.


  • 1/2 apple
  • 1 tablespoon oatmeal
  • 1 tablespoon cornmeal
  • 1 tablespoon honey

How To Use
1. Blend everything together to get a smooth paste.
2. Exfoliate with this scrub for 2-3 minutes.
3. Rinse with lukewarm water.

Time Taken To Complete This Process
10 minutes

Tips And Precautions

How Often Should I Use?
Use this scrub every week.

7. Lemon Sugar Scrub For Oily Skin
The enzymes present in the lemon juice tighten the skin pores while the acids neutralize the skin’s pH. This reduces the excess oil production and makes your skin less oily, lighter, and brighter.


  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 2 teaspoons brown sugar
  • Few drops of honey or olive oil

How To Use
1. Add sugar and honey to the lemon juice and give the mix a stir.
2. Scrub with this for 2-3 minutes and then rinse with water.

Time Taken To Complete This Process
5 minutes

Tips And Precautions
Do not mix the ingredients too much as the sugar will start to melt. After washing your face, use a gentle moisturizer.

How Often Should I Use?
Repeat this twice a week for best results.

8. Honey Scrub For Oily Skin
The healing properties of honey have been used to treat a variety of skin ailments. When it comes to oily skin, the antioxidants in honey heal the damaged skin cells and also protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. Honey, being a humectant, will keep the skin hydrated and moisturized. This particular effect will reduce the excess oil from your skin.


  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 2 tablespoons ground almonds
  • 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice

How To Use
1. Mix all the ingredients together and scrub your face with it for 2-3 minutes.
2. Rinse with lukewarm water.

Time Taken To Complete This Process
10-12 minutes

Tips And Precautions
Do not grind the almonds too finely. Leave them a little grainy and coarse for better exfoliation.

How Often Should I Use?
Use this scrub twice a week.

The benefits of regular exfoliation are many; ranging from smoothening your skin and preventing breakouts to keeping your skin oil-free and young-looking. Some of the best homemade scrubs for oily skin are listed in this article. So, look around your kitchen and see which of these ingredients you can find. Start exfoliating now to reap the benefits all your life.

Have your own tried and tested homemade scrub for oily skin that has worked for you? Share it with us in the comment box below.
